May 112015

Hello Holy Cross Family,

As many of you have heard, we are entering our Gala planning season. This year our President’s Blue & Gold Gala is Saturday, September 19th at the JW Marriott. In order to make this event a success we are needing your help.

On Tuesday, May 12th @ 6:00pm we will be having a general meeting to discuss specific needs for the gala, as well as the involvement of the various committees. This meeting will be held in the school library. We looking forward to seeing you!!

The key to our success rests in the people like you,

who embody the spirit of greatness by saying, “Yes I can, and so can you!”

President’s Blue & Gold Gala General Meeting

Tuesday, May 12th @ 6:00pm

In the HC Library

Thank you all for your continued support here at Holy Cross!!!

May 112015

Coffee with the Principal will be held on Wednesday, 5/13.

Join Holy Cross Principal, Mr. Galindo for Coffee and Pastries in Room 8 at 7:30-8:00 a.m.

Share with him what you love about Holy Cross, how you want to see our school grow, and ask him those questions that always seem to slip your mind when you see him.

Please feel free to send your questions and comments to Mr. Martinez at

We look forward to seeing you there!

May 082015

Holy Cross of San Antonio is pleased to announce that the Charity Ball Association has selected our school to be the recipients of a grant in the amount of $50,000 for classroom technology!

** A big THANK YOU to the Office of Institutional Advancement & Enrollment for their hard work on this project!

Please view the Charity Ball Association Website, HERE.

May 062015

Thank you for your generosity to the Big Give S.A. initiative!

May 5th was an unprecedented day of giving for South Central Texas. A tremendous impact in our Holy Cross community and school were made. We greatly appreciate all the donations made to Holy Cross of San Antonio.

Holy Cross thanks everyone for their contributions!

We look forward to next year’s, Big Give S.A. event on May 3rd, 2016!

May 052015

Dear Holy Cross Family,

The Big Give S.A. is in it’s final hours. Now is your chance to contribute to the cause. Go to, and find a nonprofit that you are passionate about. Just a few clicks and you’re done!

To give directly to the Holy Cross of San Antonio, Big Give S.A. page,




May 052015

Dear Holy Cross Family,

The Big Give S.A. is a 24 hour day of giving which raises money to help nonprofits around the San Antonio area. The purpose of this community-wide giving challenge is to increase public awareness of the impact local nonprofits make in addressing our community’s social challenges, bring nonprofits and donors together, expand the idea of online giving, connect people to the causes that move them the most and, of course, make giving FUN.


To see how the BIG GIVE S.A. will impact Holy Cross, please view our Holy Cross Promo Video to see what our school is all about! CLICK HERE, to view the Promo Video.

May 052015

Today’s the BIG DAY! The Big Give S.A. has officially arrived! The 24-hour day of giving will take place from midnight till 11:59 p.m. Tuesday night.

Want to Contribute?

CLICK HERE to go directly to the Big Give S.A., Holy Cross giving Page.

How do I participate?

Today, anyone can make an online gift to a participating organization. All donations on May 5th give your favorite nonprofit the opportunity to earn matching funds and prize incentives. This means that your gift has the capacity to leverage additional funding.  You can give by smart phone, tablet, or computer. Minimum donation is $10. There is not a maximum donation.