May 302013

Dear Friends & Family,

Please join us to pray the rosary together on Saturday, June 1 beginning 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in the school’s Chapel. We will lift up special intentions on behalf of the Holy Cross families and school. The invitation is open to our Holy Cross community.

In a special way, we will continue to pray for the Canonization process of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., [1909 – 1992] who dedicated his life to promoting his devotion to the Blessed Mother and to the Holy Rosary. Father Pat coined the phrase, “A family that prays together, stays together.” Please visit his Web site to learn more about this Holy Cross priest’s devotion to the Holy Rosary: FATHER PATRICK PEYTON, CSC

Thank you,

Holy Cross Blue & Gold Rosary Ministry

Sponsored by the Student Knight Ambassador Program


Comments (1)
  1. Did you know that Father Patrick Peyton, CSC, a Hollywood media mogul founded Family Theater Productions. He became a media pioneer by his vision and by recruiting the best writers and actors in Hollywood to entertain, inspire and inform families in alternative yet mainstream programming. His cause for sainthood was announced on June 1, 2001. Be present for the next rosary sponsored by the Holy Cross Blue & Gold Rosary Ministry – Sponsored by the Student Knight Ambassador Program. If we can come together to pray as a community on 3 August over at the HC Chapel with the belief that a miracle can happen with the intercession of not only Fr. Peyton but that of St. Andre, Holy Cross of San Antonio will continue to not just survive but thrive and it all begins with faith.

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