Dec 062013

Ambassador Cassidy, Ambassador Ashley, Mrs. Jackie Medina, Councilman Cris Medina, & Plácido D. Garcia, 8th Grader

Councilman Cris Medina of District 7 held his annual Leadership in Excellence Holiday Banquet on Dec. 5 at St. Luke’s Parish Hall. Ambassador Cassidy Sanchez, Sophomore, Ambassador Ashley Mendoza, Senior, and Plácido D. García, Eighth Grader, joined Councilman Medina at the event. Commissioner Paul Elizondo of Precinct 2 was honored for his leadership in Bexar County. Commissioner Elizondo has been a strong supporter of Holy Cross over the years.

Ambassador Ashley Mednoza shown with Commissioner Paul Elizondo

Dec 032013

Steven Zumaran
Major: Philosophy and Art
Campus Activities: Student Government Association, Sigma Theta Epsilon National Christian Fraternity, University Ministry Choir, Interned with State Representative Justin Rodriguez and Congressman Lloyd Doggett

The impact of OLLU: OLLU is the place where I reaffirmed my dedication to community. It is that special place where I was inspired to lead, but with integrity, ethics, and empathy. I was challenged to go beyond what was expected and to question everything. I am absolutely grateful for the experiences and friendships I have made.

An important life lesson learned: The only obstacle from achieving anything is yourself.

Plans after graduation: I currently am working for Voices for Children San Antonio as the external communications liaison. Our mission is to make children the priority in San Antonio. In addition, I plan on either attending law school or graduate school next year. Further along the line, I intend to run for public office.