Mar 042011

And the beat goes on… Those “fearless” Holy Cross cheerleaders won their fifth Cheerpower title at the Alamodome this past February.

Competing in the “Small Novice” division, the Holy Cross cheer team beat five other teams and did so with such high scores that they also earned the title of “High Point Champions.” This particular title is bestowed upon the team with the highest total score in the “Novice” category, which had up to 15 teams, including several 5A schools from San Antonio.

The victory was especially gratifying for the girls since it came against Canyon Lake High School out of Fischer, Texas, a talented squad who had previously beaten them twice last year in their home turf of San Antonio. With those defeats fresh on their minds, the Holy Cross cheer team had ample motivation to follow up their recent NCA national title with yet another championship trophy.

 Posted by at 2:54 pm

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