If you miss our FAFSA and financial aid assistance day Saturday January 22nd in the Holy Cross Library 1 to 3 p.m. There will be FAFSA Workshop on Saturday January 29, 2011 at the UTSA -Main Campus (One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249) in the multidisciplinary Studies building Computer Lab-Room #1.03.06. This is a free workshop to attend please RSVP online at www.utsa.edu/financialaid. or call 210-458-8000 for more information. Remember for a successful completion of the FAFSA please bring both the student’s and parents’: Filed 2010 Tax Return or Filed 2009 Tax Return (if 2010 is unavailable) plus 2010 W-2, 2010 Year-end stub and Social Security Number.
Jan 252011