HCAA Softball Tournament Bi-Weekly Meeting and Acoustic Knight Entertainment (6:30pm)

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Mar 302015

Reminder there will be a HCAA Softball Tournament Bi-Weekly Meeting, Wednesday, April 1st at 6:30 p.m. in the HC Library.

Please reach out to your respective contacts/teams and make them aware that we will be moving to a bi-weekly meeting, starting this Wednesday at 7pm, Library.

As a special treat we will have several members from the upcoming Acoustic Knight event attend and treat us to some great acoustic music. They will be there at 6:30pm!

Team Captains:

We will be meeting every two weeks leading up and through to the tournament. These sessions will be designed to inform on rules, committee status, and outstanding activities.

Please continue to identify your sponsors and keep us informed of the status!

Juan Barrera

Mar 302015


Be sure to register for the Placement Test which will be administered on Saturday, 4/11 at 9:00 a.m.

Students may also register for this test if they have already taken the exam but wish to retest to try and receive a higher score.


If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office at 210-433-2178.

Have a blessed day!

Mar 302015

Maxprep Photos available to Order–Varsity Baseball

Maxpreps has published the photos from the Varsity Baseball game against Cornerstone yesterday.

The photos are available to view and purchase.

Please visit the site below to view and order photos:


Mar 282015

HC Alumni Update:

Fellow Members:

As we get ready to close the books on Q1 2015, I can’t help but think of the tremendous progress we’ve made in such a short time. It’s because of your passion and loyalty that we’ve been able to make the following events a success and why we will continue to raise the level of expectations for our association:

January, 2015:

* 1st Alumni meeting of the year brings out more members in attendance than we’ve had in a very long time – this is a great sign of things to come.

* Khaki and Plaid Gala: Class of ’88 alum, Arthur Mancinas, won a raffle for a 2015 Mazda 3 and will be donating it back to Holy Cross during the upcoming Blue & Gold Gala – potential to generate over $20,000 in donations!

February 2015:

* Booster Club Valentine’s Day Dance is a success! Asked to help promote the venue, the HCAA team uses its meetings and social media connections to promote this important fundraiser

* 2nd HCAA meeting finds that the great numbers we had in January were no fluke. Members are excited and are willing to help. The Softball Tournament swings into gear and committee’s are formed

* The HCAA Executive Committee (joined by Gustavo Cordova ’88 and Gary Hernandez ’74) kick off their Strategic Plan Committee (led by Ruben Saenz ’64) to develop long-range planning and structure for our Association

* HCAA – Holy Cross logo Lapel Pins are distributed to any alum that joins our monthly meetings. They are also for sale ($5 each) to anyone interested in purchasing them. Get yours.

March  2015:

* Our third HCAA meeting recognizes Dr. Eddie Rodriguez ’84, educator and board member at Edgewood ISD. Eddie led the efforts to successfully draft a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the use of the gate between HC and the Gus Garcia campus. His efforts have directly contributed over $2,000 in cost savings towards this year’s Softball Tournament! As an added bonus, we’ll also be allowed to use their parking lot for the upcoming tournament! Thanks Eddie!

* Also at this past meeting we delved deeper into the planning for the upcoming tournament. Committee leaders reported on their respective areas and exhibited where we are making great progress! A few points/people to recognize:

– Beer Committee (Arthur Mancinas, Augie Gutierrez, Charlie Davis): They have had substantive discussions with GLI, Glazier and Silver Eagle to promote our tournament needs and are finalizing some exciting announcements with GLI and Glazier!

– Parking Committee (Augie Gutierrez and Class of ’90): They have taken this bull and have challenged us to think broader/better at raising monies to surpass prior year totals. While we’ll continue to refine the approach I have no doubt that Augie and his team will be successful.

* Gold ‘n Green Volunteer Team: While it appeared that this effort came out of nowhere, our GnG Team idea has been on the planning committee for a few months already. The goal of the team is to start putting our words into near-term, needed activities that have tangible results. While Mother Nature decided that starting on Sunday was a 50/50 bet (although that didn’t stop Delbert Gonzalez ’74 and [need name] from using that afternoon to start working – THANKS!!!), the team gathered on Wednesday afternoon to take down the long grass along the soccer field and the alley along the baseball field.

* Board Meeting: Our HCAA President, Juan Barrera, was invited to attend the March Board Meeting, to introduce the association and our planned activities to the members. We represented well and made our commitments to drive more accountability and results from our association

* Strategic  Planning – 2nd Meeting: Our Executive Committee met again to continue to drive through the planning efforts for our long-range plan. We were joined by Charlie Davis ’90 to assist in thinking through many of our high-level goal-setting process. As we continue to make progress we will provide an update in future meetings

* Holy QUE – BBQ Fundraiser for The Class of 2017: This event is Saturday, March 28th (TOMORROW) and is the first opportunity for our HCAA team to step up and be recognized for their cooking (and eating) prowess. Please stop by tomorrow to pick up your HC Pin plus sample the brisket and fixings!

Next Quarter:

* Softball Tournament: Class Captains – we are moving into a bi-weekly rhythm these last few weeks leading up to the tournament. If your team will be playing this year then we will be meeting every other Wednesday, starting next week: April 1st. All meetings will be in the Library, 7pm. Please make plans to attend, as we will be discussing rules, parking and other important items you will need to know.

* Holy Cross Retreat: Gus Dominguez ’77 is leading the planning and logistics to host our first-ever on-campus retreat in the summer. If you have prior experience in planning retreats then please reach out to him at iamchosen1@sbcglobal.net or at 210-843-9181

* Senior Lunch: Continuing the tradition of supporting our graduating Seniors, our HCAA team will be hosting a farewell luncheon in May – details to be provided in the next few weeks

* Holy Cross ACOUSTIC KNIGHTS: Acoustic Night is a Live Music Show for Holy Cross students wishing to present their musical or vocal talents.

In 2006, Brother Nich Perez, along with a handful of Holy Cross High School students organized a small coffee shop style music show called “Acoustic Night”. The music show received such positive response from the student body and families it became an annual school event. In 2011, after Brother Nich left Holy Cross High School for an opportunity in South Bend Indiana, a committee made up of a Holy Cross Theology teacher, a parent, and a former student, made it their mission to continue the tradition of Acoustic Night. This year’s 9th annual event is scheduled for May 9th at Thiry Auditorium on the campus of Our Lady of the Lake University.

In the past few years, Acoustic Night has grown into a full music production, with lighted stage, concessions, T-shirt and DVD sales– attendance has grown to more than 300 guests and family members. More importantly, proceeds from the event have supported the school’s immersion program which allows students to travel for missionary work each summer.

Auditions are beginning this week. Please feel free to contact any of the committee members below regarding Acoustic Night.

Holy Cross Parent, David Gracia (210) 317-3844

Holy Cross Theology Teacher, Don Marengo (210) 870-6372 Holy Cross Former Student, Mickey Pena (210) 789-5972

* Graduation Commencement and Convocation: Please take the time and effort this year to plan on joining us for the upcoming Commencement exercises. More information to be provided in the upcoming weeks. It would be great to show our support for our soon-to-alumni as they leave Holy Cross and head out into the wild, wild world. They could use all of our help!!!

Thanks again for your time, energy and commitment. There is nothing we cannot accomplish without FAITH, LOVE and YOUR COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE.

In Holy Cross,

Juan Barrera

HCAA President, ’88



Mar 262015

Support your Golden Knights Dance Team by buying  CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES for that special someone in your life. Whether its for your friend, teacher, or maybe someone that holds a special place in your heart, everyone loves chocolate covered strawberries!



Purchase during your lunch or after school by Tuesday, March 31st.

*See dance team member or Ms. Galindo for further information*


Mar 262015


March and April Service Opportunities

MDA Muscle Walk of San Antonio – Volunteers Needed!

Muscular Dystrophy Association of South Texas Saturday, March 28, 2015, 06:00 AM – 01:00 PM

1 AT&T Center Parkway, San Antonio, TX 78219

The Muscular Dystrophy Association is looking for volunteers to help with the 2105 Muscle Walk held at the AT&T Center.

If you are a team player, energetic, and love to help this is the opportunity for you! Contact us today for details!

Volunteer Responsibilities Include: Set Up, Registration, Water Station, Greeters, Route Coordinators, Food & Beverage Station Incentive Table, Tear Down (11am – 1pm)

Website: http://www.musclewalkmda.org/sanantonio


Sunday, March 29th, Holy Cross high school students are invited to pick up some service hours at the upcoming Siclovia event.

For more information, please see Ms. Calderon or Mr. Weber.

Ms. Calderon will be the sponsor for 10:30 am – 1:30 pm.  Those interested in this time need to sign up with her.

Mr. Weber will be the sponsor for 1:30 – 4:30 pm.  Those interested in the afternoon time need to sign up with him.

Fiesta of Mercy Congress at St. Paul’s Community Center – Volunteers needed!

1201 Donaldson Ave., San Antonio, TX  78228

Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Contact Rosie for more information and to sign up to volunteer (210-325-3303)

ANY BABY CAN– Fiesta Family Autism Walk

Saturday,  April 18, 2015

Contact Mr. Salas for more information, Room 18


Clean Up Day at Casa de Padres, the Archdiocesan Center for Retired Priests

Sponsored by Catholic Life Insurance

DATE: Saturday, April 18th

PLACE: Casa de Padres – Retirement Center for Priest

TIME: 10:00am – 2:00pm

TOOLS TO BRING: Gloves, sunscreen, stepladders, basic tools like a flat blade, screwdrivers, rakes, brooms and power tools like lawn mowers and weed eaters.

FOOD WILL BE PROVIDED – Grilled Hamburgers & Hot Dog Picnic

To volunteer, call Briana at

(210) 828-9921 ext. 141 or

email: branch@cliu.com

by April 10, 2015

Mar 262015


The Student Knight Ambassadors Program is now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. The applications will be accepted from March 2- March 31, 2014.

Through the principles of Civility, Hospitality, and Allegiance, the mission of the Student Knight Ambassadors is to serve and represent Holy Cross of San Antonio’s student and administration at special events, to promote the vast successes and advancements of the school, and to communicate through all that we do, the virtue of our beloved Blessed Basile Moreau and to live out the Holy Cross Code in daily life.

Some requirements for Applicant’s are as follows (for the complete listing see the application and guidelines on the SKA WEB PAGE):

  • Must be able to complete a minimum of 12 program service hours per semester.
  • Must be entering the 9th grade to apply
  • Possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
  • Maintain a clear disciplinary and attendance record with the school.
  • Attend meetings on the first Wednesday of every month.


  • Natural ability to express a positive and friendly demeanor;
  • Effectively participate as both leader and a follower in a team environment;
  • Willingness to develop or improve public speaking and networking skills; and,
  • Genuine desire to serve and represent the Administration and the school as well as contribute to the advancement of our organization.



If you have any questions, please contact  Ariana Vega, 210.433.9395 ext 269, ariana.vega@holycross-sa.org.